Snow Day Fun: Introducing Your Dogs to Snow
We’re no strangers to snow days here in Michigan. Playing in the snow can create happy memories for your whole family—if you properly plan for it. Introducing your dogs to snow for the first time, it is preferable to give them a little time and space to get used to it.

Pre-Snow Preparation
Before you introduce your dog to snow, you want to be sure they are prepared for the cold. Well-fitting booties and a warm coat will help them enjoy the weather without any bad effects from the cold. Since your dog is not used to wearing accessories like these, let them wear them around the house briefly before venturing outside. Getting used to both new clothes and new weather can be a lot for a dog to deal with.
Start Small
When introducing your dog to something new, starting small is a good idea. Give your dog a short amount of supervised time outside. Pay special attention to how they react to the cold and whether they seem to enjoy themselves. Once your dog tolerates being in the snow in small doses, you can gradually increase the time outside.
Think About Your Surroundings
It can be hard to tell how a dog will react in new situations, so it’s a good idea to seek out a quiet area that will not have much other traffic or distractions. Having some kind of control over the environment gives your dog a chance to get used to the new surroundings calmly. You should keep your dog on a leash until you can be sure that they are comfortable in the snow and can listen to commands. If you remove the leash, you should only do so in a space surrounded by a fence, like a dog park or backyard.
Ease Into Activity
After you’ve given your dog a few chances to get used to being in the snow, you can start to engage in gentle play or activity. Try not to be too strenuous at first. Consider playing a short game of fetch or working on some training. Keep paying close attention to your dog, and go back inside when they start to get tired.
Warm Up
Once your snow session is over, wipe off your dog’s paws and coat to remove any moisture or salt that might have followed them back inside. Give them a comfy spot to warm up, and let them take a break and get some rest. Ensure they drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated in the winter weather.
Some dogs LOVE snow and will take to it at once. Just keep an eye on them periodically when they’re outside. Let your other dogs adapt more slowly by introducing your dogs to snow with our five tips above.
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